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Prayers from the book Soul Weavings by Lyn Klug:

May thy grace, O Lord, make that possible to me which seems impossible to me by nature.

Amy Carmichael, India (1868-1951)


It seems to me Lord

that we search much too desperately for answers,

when a good question holds as much grace as an answer.

Jesus, you are the Great Questioner.

Keep our questions alive,

that we may always be seekers rather than settlers.

Guard us well from the sin of settling in

with our answers hugged to our breasts.

Make of us a wondering, far-sighted, questioning,

restless people

And give us the feet of pilgrims on this journey unfinished.

Macrina Wiederkehr


Bless our home, Father,

that we cherish the bread before there is none,

discover each other before we leave,

and enjoy each other for what we are,

while we have time.

Hawaiian prayer


You keep us waiting.

You, the God of all time,

want us to wait for the right time in which to discover

who we are, where we must go,

who will be with us, and what we must do.

So thank you..for the waiting time.

You keep us looking.

You, the God of all space,

want us to look in the right and wrong places

for signs of hope,

for people who are hopeless,

for visions of a better world that will appear

among the disappointments of the world we know.

So thank you...for the looking time.

You keep us loving.

You, the god whose name is love,

want us to be like you --

to love the loveless and the unlovely and the unlovable;

to love without jealousy or design or threat;

and most difficult of all, to love ourselves.

So thank you...for the loving time.

And in all this, you keep us,

through hard questions with no easy answers;

through failing where we hoped to succeed

and making an impact when we felt we were useless;

through the patience and the dreams and the love of others;

and through Jesus Christ and his Spirit,

you keep us.

So thank you...for the keeping time,

and for now, and for ever. Amen.

Submitted by Jeanne Sullivan


Now there are varieties of gifts, but the same Spirit, and there are varieties of services, but the same Lord; and there are varieties of activities, but it is the same God who activates all of them in everyone. To each is given the manifestation of the Spirit for the common good.

1 Corinthians 12:4-7

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